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But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isiah 40:31

Commercial Buildings



Emmanuel is a Father, Business man, Investor, Mentor and Author.


Everyone has a unique life story to share but initially Emmanuel's childhood looked to be made up of hardship and challenge. From foster care and dyslexia as child to surviving the ghetto's of east London and after experiencing homelessness sleeping in his car and then incarceration.


Instead of accepting what life and society had scripted for him Emmanuel refused to give up and decided to re write his own playbook. Today Emmanuel is a multiple business owner and he is now passionately committed to transforming lives and transforming businesses for the better and inspired by his family, daughter and the youth charities he supports.


Emmanuel use's his inspirational life experiences, wisdom and teachings on the art of bouncing back. His unique perspective on moving beyond your circumstances, tenacity. hope, strategy, innovation, to help people think bigger and think different ultimately helping people and businesses unlock barriers that stop them from growth and reaching their full potential.


Emmanuel inspires people to do the things that inspire them, he strongly believes that a set back is just a set up for a come back and he is living proof and an advocate that It's not about how you start but how you finish on the journey of Life that matters.



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The Sovereign Entrepreneur Podcast 

Coming soon

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